The best sunset spots in Santorini

Santorini sunset map

Santorini sunset map

Sunset spots

What is happening in Santorini as the sun is setting?
Dozens of people sitting on the roofs and terraces admiring silence one of the rarest sights on earth, facing the view full of awe for the majesty. All waiting eagerly to admire the sunset, climb and even in the most unlikely places to have a better view and end erupt in applause as the sun lost! Of course, they give an appointment for the next afternoon! See below the map with gathered the best sunset spots.

Santorini sunset map
The village of Oia

The village of Oia

as one of the best sunset spot of Santorini

The village of Oia – find more information about Oia here – is probably the most known spot for sunset. 






The village of Oia
Akrotiri Lighthouse sunset

Akrotiri Lighthouse sunset

The lighthouse sunset without barriers

Crowds of people in Faro Santorini Akrotiri, Thera to attend the unique and beautiful sunset. The sun sets across, behind Thirassia. From here the sunset is longer.




Akrotiri Lighthouse sunset
Fira sunset

Fira sunset

For one more amazing sunset visit Fira, the capital of the island, admire the sunset, walk the "Gold Street" & enjoy a cocktail at one of the cafes overlooking the beautiful caldera ...



Below is a website that provides the exact time of sunsets for Santorini... program your sunset views this summer:


Also click below to see a collection of user generated photos of Santorini sunset:

Fira sunset
Sunset on a boat

Sunset on a boat

a single boat or a sailing boat sunset in Santorin

Finally an alternative experience for the sunset is to rent a boat and enjoy the sunset in the sea.


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